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111 ofertas de trabajo encontradas en Islandia:

Página: 7

Ver las ofertas de trabajo en Islandia agrupadas por profesión:


. responsable de marketingMarketing Services Director. CCP Games is looking for a talented Marketing Services Director to join our wonderful Reykjavík studio! In this role you will be responsible for leading CCP Games' marketing efforts across multiple titles, focusing on attracting new players and retaining existing ones. Your role will encompass ...

. médico especialista/médica especialistaSérfræðilæknir í krabbameinslækningum. Clinical/Radiation Oncology Specialist Doctor Landspitali, The National University Hospital of Iceland, in Reykjavik Iceland, is looking to hire a specialist in clinical oncology with high level of knowledge and experience in radiation oncology. Iceland is famous for its natural beauty and...

. manicuro/manicuraNaglafræðingur / Manicure. We are looking for manicurists to join us at our nail salon in Laugavegur. Qualification: •    Be able to complete each service within good time limit •    Be able to do different designs for nails from simple to complicated. •    Be able to do acrylic nail extensions with different length ...

. ayudante de peluqueríaAssistant to hairdresser. Jad Mar Salon is seeking a hairdresser assistant. The job includes: - Assisting hair stylists with all tasks. - Greet customers. - Shampoo and style customers hair. Requirements: - 4 years of work experience in a hair salon. - Experience with mixing of hair colors. - English language skills...

. peluquero/peluqueraHársnyrtir. Hárskerar óskast á Barbarann! Vinna við allar almennar klippingar, engar litanir. Vinnutími frá 9-17 virka daga. Góður starfsandi Góð starfsaðstaða Íþróttastyrkur Góð laun og afkastahvetjandi bónuskerfi Nauðsynlegt að hafa klárað sveinspróf í hárgreiðslu frá viðurkenndum skóla Frekari upplýsingar o...

. ayudante de cocinaChef / Kitchen assistant. Harbour restaurant & bar is a restaurant in Skagaströnd and we are looking to hire a chef / kitchen assistant. We are looking for positive and cheerful individuals who have a passion for great food. The position is temporary from May 15 - September 15, 100% and work hours according to a ...

Software Engineer. We are looking for a Software Engineer to work on Project Awakening, a recently announced title set within the EVE universe. In this role, you will be responsible for developing and maintaining high-quality open-source web3 and mobile applications. You will play a pivotal role in building...

. supervisor de carpintería en obra/supervisora de carpintería en obraAðstoðarmaður verkstjóra/Foreman´s assistant. STV Verktakar ehf óska eftir aðstoðarmanni verkstjóra Starfsmaðurinn á að aðstoða verkstjóra við þakendurbætur í ýmsum verkum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu.   Starfið snýst um að verkstýra hópi iðnaðarmanna eða sérhæfðra iðnverkamanna í vinnu við endurbætur þaka, reisa vinnupalla, rífa eldri þök og b...

. médico especialista/médica especialistaAllergist / Immunologist. Allergist / immunologist at Landspitali, Reykjavik Iceland. Position open for application for a medical doctor with specialization in allergy and immunology. Join our enthusiastic team of allergist and immunologists in Iceland. At the Department of Immunology, Landspitali -The National University...

. desarrollador de bases de datos/desarrolladora de bases de datosData Engineer. CCP is looking for an enthusiastic data engineer to join our team of data engineers in our wonderful Reykjavik studio. As a successful candidate you will help build and maintain a modern, best-in-class data infrastructure, pipelines and structured data models to support real time analytics...

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